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Take stock of the news and hot topics about cats in 2024

In 2024, several notable developments and trends emerged concerning cats:

Scientific Discoveries and Health Concerns:

  • Genetic Mutation Identified: Researchers discovered a novel gene mutation responsible for a unique feline fur pattern dubbed “salty licorice,” named after a popular Finnish treat.
  • Bird Flu in Cats: Reports indicated that cats could contract bird flu, exhibiting symptoms like loss of appetite, lethargy, and fever. Pet owners were advised to monitor their cats’ health closely and limit their exposure to potentially infected birds.

Animal Welfare and Advocacy:

  • “Bullycat” Breeding Concerns: Animal welfare experts in the UK raised alarms over the breeding of “hairless bullycats,” a new trend gaining popularity online. These cats, characterized by short, bowed legs and excessive wrinkled skin, are prone to severe health issues, leading to calls for potential pet owners to avoid such designer breeds.
  • Feral Cat Management in Australia: The Australian government announced a $60 million initiative to address the country’s feral cat crisis, which poses a significant threat to native wildlife. Proposed measures include night-time curfews, limits on cat ownership, and the creation of cat-free suburbs to mitigate environmental impacts.

Cultural Trends and Events:

  • Minnesota Cat Tour: In Minneapolis, the annual Minnesota Cat Tour, initiated as a humorous twist on neighborhood tours, saw participation swell to over 500 attendees. Participants enjoy walking through neighborhoods, spotting cats in windows, and engaging in community discussions. People
  • Pet Naming Trends: The year witnessed a surge in pet names inspired by celebrities, foods, and popular media. Notably, “Taylor Swift” became a popular choice for both dogs and cats, reflecting the cultural impact of her record-breaking tour. New York Post

Celebrity Influence:

  • Taylor Swift’s Political Endorsement: On September 10, Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala Harris for the U.S. presidential election, expressing her support through an Instagram post featuring her cat, Benjamin Button. This move was seen as a response to derogatory comments and highlighted Swift’s use of her platform and her fondness for cats to challenge stereotypes.

These developments highlight the diverse ways cats influenced and were influenced by scientific research, health concerns, cultural trends, and political discourse throughout 2024.

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