고양이 감염성 복막염(FIP) 는 특정 유형의 코로나바이러스가 일으키는 바이러스성 질환으로, 주로 장 내벽 세포를 표적으로 합니다. 어린 고양이(0~2세)와 노령 고양이에게 주로 발생하며, 약 70%의 사례가 삼출성(습성) 형태로, 30%의 사례가 비삼출성(건성) 형태로 나타납니다. 비극적으로도 FIP는 한때 95% 이상의 사례에서 치명적인 것으로 간주되었으며, 특히 습성 형태의 고양이의 경우 일반적으로 증상 발병 후 2개월 이내에 질병에 걸려 사망하는 것으로 나타났습니다.
However, there is now hope. Since February 2019, the discovery of GS-441524 by Dr. Niels Pedersen and his team has revolutionized the treatment of FIP. On May 10, 2024, the FDA approved GS-441524 for the treatment of FIP, ...Learn More...
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At the 핍캣 저장 News & Blogs! This is where we bring you the latest news, updates, and inspiring stories about FIP cats. Our goal is to keep you informed about advancements in Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) treatment, including the life-saving potential of GS-441524. You'll also find heartwarming stories from cat owners who have fought alongside their FIP warriors, sharing their experiences, challenges, and successes.
We believe that by spreading awareness and providing valuable information, we can help more cats overcome this devastating illness. Explore expert insights, tips for caregivers, and real-life journeys of FIP warriors who have successfully completed their treatment. Whether you're looking for hope, guidance, or simply want to stay up to date on FIP news, our blog is here to support you.
Join us as "Let's Save FIP Cats Together!"